Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Night Before Fiberuary

"twas the night before Fiberuary and all through the house,
all the fibers were celebrating, including those in my blouse

The Irish oats were stocked in the cupboard with care,
with the hopes that full bowls and bowels would soon appear

The grains were are nestled snug in their jars,
near the cereals and FiberOne bars.

The beets were anticipating from the fridge,
and the cabbege was wilting, but just a tidge

When at midnight, there arose such a clatter,
from a neighbor who appear to be quite a bit fatter

"It's Groundhog Day!", they exclaimed supreme,
I saw that my iphone displayed February 1st,  2013

It's Fiberuary! I yelled as in correction,
and no one echoed my grand jubliation

But once they discovered the delights in store
I knew they would herald Fiberuary glore

For the month of soluble and insoluble bliss
was upon us once again to provide an intestinal tryst

For 28 days or 29 depending on the year,
active bowels are nothing to fear

On Bran! And Quinoa! Go Chicory and Greens!
Bring forth happy digestion to the elderly, middle aged and teens!

Happy Fiberuary to all and to all a good fiber delight!

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