Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happy Fiberuary!

Fiberuary: Its history and lore

One late January day in 2006, a spirited female returned to a land of cold, grey ice after a brief visit to the lush green friendliness of the Caribbean islands. Feeling, blocked by all the frozen peoples, a calm settled upon her as she realized what the people needed was a cause for celebration, a gentle push in the direction of freedom, a cleansing, a reason to get up and make a movement, thus Fiberuary, the celebration of large intakes of fiber was born!


In honor my my newly minted month-long holiday, I will be consuming at least if not more of the daily recommended allowance of fiber everyday! Yesterday, on the first official day of Fiberuary I hit 105% of my fiber intake.

This was yesterday's intake

Two FiberOne bars- 9 gm each 
Two Servings of Quaker Oat Simple Harvest Hot cereal 4 gm each
A bunch of raw red peppers
Assorted other less than awesome food items contributing to a minimal intake of fiber.

Don't worry I will not keep posting my fiber numbers everyday (unless of course that is what the blogosphere wants!)

Today I am already at 35% of my daily recommended allowance and it is not even noon! And there are some black beans in my future.

Happy Fiberuary everyone!

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