Monday, February 2, 2009

Cirque Du Soleil: The land of Muscular Butts

And I thought it was just dance, costume seizures and freak tricks. I saw La Nouba in Orlando this weekend. First, I was apprehensive because it was part of the Disney Machine, not entirely, but it was in Downtown Disney which is just a giant mall. And since I work across from the country's actual giantest mall, I know a giant mall when I see one, roof or no roof.

La Nouba in French means "I can't believe I paid only $80 for these seats!"

If there was Cirque du Soleil Kool-aid to be drunk, I bathed in it.

I was under whatever spell they were spinning when the Four Asian Adorables(my name)performed by whipping their diablos in unison, flipping flips, making adorable human pyramids. When the tall girl did her little solo act of flips, tumbles and the grande finale of pirouetting faster than the speed of hungry college students while keeping the diablo afloat, I was in tears.

In tears. Over a juggling act.

Then the guy with the fabric came out and flew around like he was light as cool whip but I could see that he was as hard(muscle-wise) as granite(Cliched I know, but what else can describe it?) 

I kept trying to find a role I could be in the show. Everyone had a trick. Couldn't I just be in a crazy costume and prance around? I wanted to be the parrot/coyote/rainbow/Cyrano-Nosed/Theme Character. Or the maid lady. I could have been her. She was the plot. She dusted stuff. I could dust stuff. 

I could stuff dust. 

Let me stuff dust. 

After the show, I tried to convince myself I really needed a $30 patent leather-esque red wallet with the words "I carry my dreams with me' written on it. It had a lot of pockets! I haven't purchased a new wallet in five years. And let me tell you, it is ugly. I wanted a piece of Cirque du Soleil, which I why they have a gift shop, of course. But I didn't get anything. You can't buy a part in the show, I guess. At least not at the gift shop.

And I was amazed with the theatre and floor, raising platforms, trampolines from above and below, so much magic the slight of hand is unstoppable. 

Let me stuff dust.

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