{state the obvious here}
{I haven't blogged in a while....at least on this blog...emoticon}
So yeah, I was doing some accidentaly cyberstalking and realized I never have filled out one of those email surveys that were forwarded around so much in the early "00's. So I am making up my own.
1. I used to drink sloe screws in college because I couldn't remember the name of any other drinks. And they were pink.
2. I am so over girls/women being obsessed with pink. There are other colors.
3. I hated baby dolls as a child.
4. I loved Barbie dolls.
5. I have had three cats in my life all large, friendly, male grey tabby cats.
6. I had a pony
7. I invented the holiday of Fiberuary which lasts the entire month of every February and increased your awareness and consumption of Fiber.
8. Yes, I know I capitalized Fiber in the last answer.
9. I have two hula-hoops and a large enough apartment to spin them in.
10. I hate pessimists
11. I think sewing is the same thing as hot gluing
12. I played an Irish Pirate for money one whole summer.
13. My arms do that thing. You know the one.
14. I think being a bridesmaid is a competition.
15. I hate water chestnuts.
16. Currently, there is dried ice cream on my cat's tail.
17. I don't know how it go there, I don't get along with dairy.
18. Who's eating ice cream in my apartment?
19. The Ghost of Joel Coen haunts my apartment.
20. Culprit pinpointed
21. I am producing a fringe show this year for the MN Fringe Festival.
22. So far I have written the Press Release.
23. Is this enough self-indulgence yet?
24. Not quite.
25. Fine.
26. Straight teeth
27. Grasp exceeds my reach?
28. Spaz.
29. My brother and I invented a game called Spasm Man. It was awesome.
30. So much.
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